By Emma Ann Hughes | Published Aug 04, 2015
Two technology providers have signed a deal that will allow advisers using Focus Solutions tools to ‘co-browse’ with their clients.
Co-browsing, in the context of web browsing, is the joint navigation through the internet by two or more people accessing the same web pages at the same time.
Focus Solutions will bundle Unblu’s co-browsing technology with their financial services distribution platform and tools.
Dave Upton, director of Focus Solutions, said the combination of his financial services distribution platform with Unblu’s co-browsing will provide advisers with an “unparalleled capability” to remotely conduct engaging and result oriented interactions with their clients.
The integrated solution will allow financial advisers to create automated customer journeys for the client consultation process, with a self-service and a personal advice dimension.
He said the approach taken by his company will create a unique and personalized customer experience, combining a system driven level of personalization with personal guidance of a client adviser.
Luc Haldimann, chief executive of Unblu, said the deal comes at a time when the financial services industry is going through a major transformation adapting their business models to an online world.
Mr Haldimann said: “The combination of our technologies will provide financial services institutions with the unique ability to differentiate their service portfolio from other market players.
“Increased sales against a backdrop of superior customer engagement will be the logical consequence.”
The deal between Focus and Unblu comes after yesterday (3 August) LV announced a majority stake in UK-based automated advice firm Wealth Wizards, increasing its capital to allow the development of its white-label algorithm based platform.
The deal will also see LV’s in-house regulated telephone retirement service Cora using Wealth Wizards’ advice platform to generate personal advice for pension savers planning for retirement.
The remaining shares are still owned by Wealth Wizards’ founding management team and the business will continue to operate its independent financial advice service, focused on developing low-cost advice solutions for the workplace market.
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Pfirestorm is an affordable internet based service that organisations are able to offer their clients that will result in the cementing of existing relationships and/or the establishment of new relationships between the clients and the organisation.
This service is CLIENT-CENTRED and simultaneously provides the organisation with a platform that addresses fundamental business matters such as strategy and wealth creation, operations and practice management, compliance issues, day to day matters, vast Marketing opportunities, leveraging IT in a unique way, staff incentives and measurements and impact directly and indirectly on your income flows from day one.
The purpose for this service is to enable organisations and clients to be able to reach out to one another in an environment that is transparent, promotes shared responsibility and facilitates relationships providing mutual benefit for the client and the organisation.
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Pfirestorm’s unique collaborative technology will enable our clients to deliver a branded and unified sustainable experience to their customers at all levels of their organisation, through programmed alignment of internal procedures and processes with their Customer Value Proposition.
Our clients will experience the power of a programmed behavioral system designed to sustain, facilitate and deliver to their clients, a distinctive Customer Value Proposition resulting in increased new and retained customers that can be measured in terms of higher production outcomes, reduced operating costs, focused employee and customer activities, customer services that exceed expectations, business continuity, and ultimately good corporate governance aligned to a dynamic regulatory environment.