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Why the Fais Ombud finds against financial advisors


...Swanepoel said the record of advice covered three areas. The first was the information the advice was based on.

“What were the needs of the client – a brief summary.”


Secondly, which insurers or investment products the FSP considered and from which product suppliers. The options that were presented to the client had to be disclosed. Lastly, the FSP would also have to explain why he or she recommended the product.


Swanepoel said considering the thousands of financial products available to choose from, there had to be a reason why a FSP chose a particular product.


“To this day when I’m confronted with complaints, I battle to see that the industry is actually keeping accurate records of those transactions.”


He urged FSPs to reconsider the quality of their recordkeeping.







This is an excerpt from an article you can find at the following address https://www.moneyweb.co.za/mymoney/moneyweb-financial-planning/why-the-fais-ombud-finds-against-financial-advisors/


Picture was sourced from https://www.google.co.za/search?q=fais+ombud&rlz=1C1SAVS_enZA547ZA547&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi54pzDvonXAhXpDMAKHWGkDowQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=613#imgrc=TZr1H1yve5WevM:


Contact Details

company: pfireStorm
address: 21 Alexander Drive
Winston Park, Gillits
tel: +27 87 474 2200
fax: +27 31 764 4090
website: https://www.pfire.co.za


BRANCH: Head Office
Cindy Buxton
Central Hub Manager
Daphne Lombard
Social Responsibility Manager
Mike Lombard
Financial Manager
DIVISION: Operations
DEPARTMENT: Operations
Gareth Hopkins
Operations Manager
DIVISION: Sales and marketing
DEPARTMENT: Distribution
Grant Hopkins
Sales & Distribution Manager

Company Profile


    Pfirestorm is an affordable internet based service that organisations are able to offer their clients that will result in the cementing of existing relationships and/or the establishment of new relationships between the clients and the organisation.

    This service is CLIENT-CENTRED and simultaneously provides the organisation with a platform that addresses fundamental business matters such as strategy and wealth creation, operations and practice management, compliance issues, day to day matters, vast Marketing opportunities, leveraging IT in a unique way, staff incentives and measurements and impact directly and indirectly on your income flows from day one.

    The purpose for this service is to enable organisations and clients to be able to reach out to one another in an environment that is transparent, promotes shared responsibility and facilitates relationships providing mutual benefit for the client and the organisation.

    It is no longer a matter of who you know! It is who knows YOU!

    It is time!


Pfirestorm’s unique collaborative technology will enable our clients to deliver a branded and unified sustainable experience to their customers at all levels of their organisation, through programmed alignment of internal procedures and processes with their Customer Value Proposition.

Our clients will experience the power of a programmed behavioral system designed to sustain, facilitate and deliver to their clients, a distinctive Customer Value Proposition resulting in increased new and retained customers that can be measured in terms of higher production outcomes, reduced operating costs, focused employee and customer activities, customer services that exceed expectations, business continuity, and ultimately good corporate governance aligned to a dynamic regulatory environment.